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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Just got the info from my last visit w. the Endo. I told him I was feelin better than I have in the last 3 years, and that I wanted to stay on the ATD long term if he didn’t see any problem (I figured if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!) I also told him I was taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, and making lifestyle changes in an effort to improve my chances of going into remission. (He gave a nod when I mentioned finding support here as one example :) )
    He agreed, and said he wanted to run a test to check my antibodies, to see where they were, which could help us decide if I was even getting close to going into remission.
    I go the numbers back today — and they were NORMAL
    Yes folks, you read that right! The big N
    So, on his advice, I’m discontinuing the ATD for 2 months, and we’ll monitor my progress then! I’m very optimistic, but if I have to return to the ATDs, I know they work for me too, and so be it.
    Gotta go meditate now!
    Thanks for “listening”

    Post count: 93172

    What a great idea! Have blood drawn several days before the endo visit and then the test is there in the office while seeing the endo. Coming home and being called by nurses and needing to discuss meds change with the doctor but can’t is too frustrating. More I have learned from this BB.

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