Just got the info from my last visit w. the Endo. I told him I was feelin better than I have in the last 3 years, and that I wanted to stay on the ATD long term if he didn’t see any problem (I figured if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!) I also told him I was taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, and making lifestyle changes in an effort to improve my chances of going into remission. (He gave a nod when I mentioned finding support here as one example
He agreed, and said he wanted to run a test to check my antibodies, to see where they were, which could help us decide if I was even getting close to going into remission.
I go the numbers back today — and they were NORMAL
Yes folks, you read that right! The big N
So, on his advice, I’m discontinuing the ATD for 2 months, and we’ll monitor my progress then! I’m very optimistic, but if I have to return to the ATDs, I know they work for me too, and so be it.
Gotta go meditate now!
Thanks for “listening”