This is really strange. Last week I had a molar
full out and this week I had another molar crack. For years my dentist has been purchasing freezing without any stimulant in it because I had very bad reaction to the usual one like shaking and I had to get up to go to the bathroom every five minutes. I too have
had too many visits to the dentist.I too have had a bad time with my teeth the last couple of years. My dentist did give me a perscription toothpaste to try and harden the enamel.
You can also call you state capitol and get the phone # for the EEOC and talk to them, You can’t sign up for unemployment cause you are not really employable. I finally had to go to SRS (which I detested doing) but 3 months without paying utilities and other people bring me food, I had to do something or starve and have all utilities turned off, in turn SRS sent me to SS office and made my appointment to have disablity papers filled out, cause I was also terminated from work, where I tried to fill out FMLA and disability papers and they told me it was all in my head & I wasn’t really sick….Yes I am fighting them, but not to get my job back, I don’t want to work for people who use and abuse other people and I continued to see it happen when I was at work, and now my friends are keeping me posted about things that are still going on there.
Hope this helps. Like Jake said, you just have to play around with the website, and you will eventurally get there. I’ve been there many times reasently.
Hang in there warrior
Nica :>)Hi Sweet! I know exactly how you feel when you said that a non cancer illness is treated as laziness. The “system” frowns on anyone who can’t work because of illness or injury. I’ve had 3 spinal surgeries that have left me in awful pain. My last SSD appeal was denied…the judge actually wrote that my handwriting was so neat, and that if I were TRULY in this much pain, that it should have been sloppy!!My case is at the Appeals Council now. I’m going to email you later this afternoon…I have a few suggestions that I’ll send, and maybe we can get you a little financial help. Won’t hurt to try, anyhow! And don’t worry..it IS legitimate!
The social services in this country are a crime!
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