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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, everyone,

    I am new to the group. I’ve read some of your messages, you guys are

    Well, here is the story: I have Grave’s for over 4 years. scheduled for surgery next week, somehow, SSKI (to prepare me for the surgery) is not working, Have anyone experienced this before? anyone had surgery due to Grave’s? I appreciate any infomation… Donna

    Post count: 93172

    Hello everyone,
    Just getting a case of the jitters — surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, and while I’m not terribly nervous about the actual surgery, but husband is now announcing he things I should stay on the meds to see if I go into remission. My whole situation is complicated by the fact I’m 20 weeks pregnant (give or take a few days). Anyway, I’m more freaked out by the possiblity of a scar! I’m so vain. And the fact that it may take a while to recover. From what I’m reading at the board, people who have had the surgery have had “good” experiences. So I guess I’m just venting. Nothing like getting a case of cold feet.
    Hope everyone is feeling well.

    Post count: 93172

    My husband did the same thing to me- at the last minute he made me second guess al the decisions I had already settled upon. It was unnerving and stressful- but i think it was his own anxiety about the surgery surfacing. The day after surgery I was terribly miserable and it gradually got better for a recovery time of about a month overall. I learned that at 24 you don’t bounce right back like you do from surgery at 14. I think I was unprepared for the time it took me to recover since my last surgery was a sinch. I DO NOT REGRET MY DECISION! I still think I did the right thing- so does my husband. My scar is not noticable now (8 months post opp) and my dr used one big stitch (it weaved back and forth under the skin and was pulled out with one big tug- not as bad as it sounds). I was not pregnant- but had 3 kids 3 yrs old & under. They were gentle with mommy’s owee. :) Good Luck- Lissa

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