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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Anyone on this board in remission after taking meds or althernative therapies? I am determined to resolve this heal it once and for all and I would appreciate any info/resources out there. Thanks. I think the solution involves the physical, psychological and spiritual domains of our lives. What do you think?

        Post count: 93172

        I am new to this BB. I find all your information very helpfull and supportive. I was on PTU for about 9 months ( I was pregnant at the time). Then I stopped taking it and have been on remission for 4 and 1/2 years. I definitely don’t feel back to normal because my legs get very tired and painful when I have very busy days. I agree with you that it is very important to take it easy in life, enjoy it, and don’t push ourselves to the limit. But I know from experience that it is easier to say it than to do it. I also try to listen to my body, but I know I ignore it many times. Maybe this is part of the personalty of a Hyperthyroid person: we try to get as much done as we can every day. We don’t look to what we have accomplished but to what is left to do.
        To Darlene: Only one of my doctors ever mentioned the importance of Ca supplements and exercise (the weight bearing type, such as weight lifting, walking and running). This type of exercise increases bone density. Hyperthyroid people have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. I find that lifting light weights 2 or 3 times a week for about 20 minutes each time helps me a lot. I also try to have a healthy diet with as many fruits and vegetables as possible. For extra energy, I make sure that I have some kind of protein at each meal or snack. I have been feeling more tired than usual during this past few weeks, so yesterday I had some blood work done.
        Best of luck to all of you and Happy New Year!
        Denise E.

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