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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Tammy!
    I had an early miscarriage in 1994 and 4 months later was Diagnosed with Graves. I was put on PTU and told not to have a baby while using this medication since it would harm the fetus. After 11 months I asked to take radioactive iodine, since I was ready for a family and the only way to safely have the baby was to turn hypo. 3 months after that RAI treatment I turned hypo. I waited 2 months and got pregnant after getting the OK’s from endo and OB. I now have 2 healthy wonderful children, the youngest 11 weeks old. I’m now hyper – which they say is normal after birth – and am getting my synthroid dosage reduced.
    Check with your endo and your OB before getting pregnant. It ensures that everyone is keeping communication open and will let you know what is best for you and your baby. My doctors have been wonderful. They carbon copy each other lab results (even when I’m not pregnant), and send each other updates after physicals. Suggest this to your medical practitioner too!
    Good luck! Hope this helps!!

    Post count: 93172

    Has anyone ever gotten pregnant with Graves???

    Post count: 93172

    Yes, people do sometimes get pregnant with Graves’, though often infertility is an issue when we are hyperthyroid.

    Choosing to become pregnant with untreated Graves’ is something you should discuss in depth with your doctor beforehand, since there are implications for both you and the baby you should be aware of.

    You might do a search on pregnancy and find much more information already posted on this board.

    Dianne W
    NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

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