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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    As I said earlier, I have passed your question on to Nancy Patterson, our Director. I have received confirmation from her that she received my e-mail and is checking with our medical experts.

    Since this is a medical question, it would behoove (like that word?!) all of us to let Nancy handle this one rather than possibly passing on information that could be taken the wrong way. Pregnancy is scary enough when you are young and it is your first, even when you don’t have Graves!

    As soon as I hear from her, I will pass on the info and perhaps she will contact you directly. But please – know that you are in our prayers and that we are here whenever you need us – even if it is just to ventilate your fears!

    Mitakuye Oyasin
    Valerie McAlister
    Online Assistant Facilitator, NGDF

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