First I want to thank those of you who promtly answered my questions.
My main fear is that I thought I was either going to die very soon or I was absolutely crazy. I felt that if I told ANYBODY all the symtoms I was having they would have me locked up.
I took a chance and told my doctor when I went in for raving headaches. And then I said :” you might think I’m crazy, but let me tell you everything that is going on with me” and then I proceded to tell him all my symptoms. Increadible weight loss, horrible headaches, heart skipping beats and running at a pulse of 124 frequently, tremmors, bla bla bla…. on top of it I can’t sleep, and I have delusions of suicide and my short term memory is GONE !!!!! My moods are swinging so badly, I have my husband ANGRY…… “Doctor… are these all related? Can you help me?”
What an awsome doctor !!! He told me that he suspected that YES all was related and the I was not crazy and that I was not going to die from it. He took some blood and called the next day with some prescriptions and some news “YOU HAVE GRAVE’S DISEAS” and “IT IS TREATABLE”
What an awsome DR>. !!!!!
But now I still feel crazy, I still can’t sleep and I think Ineed an increase in my Beta Blocker, it only works for a few hours!!!!
Do any of you have suggestions as to what else I can ask my doctor to prescribe ?
is anybody out there from Birmingham? we do not have a support gromup here but I feel that if there are at least two of us we can start one?
Can you HElP?
Thanks guys this site is AWESOME