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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My eyes are like that too. And the Optho just has me using Moisture Drops during the day and DuoLube at night before bed.. it helps a little.
    You could try that… Hope it helps.


    Post count: 93172

    I have had Graves for 5 year now. My eyes have been “buggy” for about 2. They really aren’t that bad when I take PTU. But lately, geez…my eyes are SO dry!!! And they are red half the time. Anyone have any ideas? Or any suggestions on how to help my dry eyes? I can’t see an opthamalogist until my insurance picks up in December. Help please!

    Thanks in Advance,

    Post count: 93172


    There are several good OTC eye drops on the market. Natural Tears I think is one that lubricates the eyes well, altho, I may have the actual name wrong. Also, most saline solutions for contact lens wearers can be used as drops. I would stick to ones for sensitive eyes. And, you could check with your pharmasist, he/she could show you something to use.

    P.S. Val, your right, but I’m third generation American ;}

    Post count: 93172


    Thank you so much for the response. I needed the encouragement just at the time I read your post. Yes, I did get a baseline, but never really thought any more about it. The optho said I did have one eye that was measureably more prominent than the other, but it was very slight.

    Only in the last few weeks did I remember that he said that —and with the other stuff (throbbing, etc), I started the “poor me” thing. When I get that attitude, I call it “running my number”.

    When I consider all that Jake has been through with his eyes and some of the other stories I have read here I am absolutely overwhelmed with their strength of character—not to mention the spouses and S.O.s who stick it out also.

    I strongly believe in prayer. You are all in my prayers in the coming days of this year. I know that we are never alone–it sustains me. Thanks again and God bless you!

    Valerie L

    Post count: 93172

    Welcome to Graves 101, Kenya! First thing you need to learn is to ask questions, questions, and more questions! You did not say if you were given meds or not. What kinds of tests did you have? What options did the doc offer you? Many people take vitamins and follow a special diet. I am sure if they read your post they can help you with this area. Seems there is a differencing of opinions on the diet thing. Cutting out salt, processed foods(they are loaded with sodium), NO KELP at ALL!, those are the ones I think all are in agreement with.
    Also, if you have the racing, pounding heart, no exercise per say until the condition is under control, reason being is the heart can’t take the strain. Once thyroid is in control doc will probably encourage you to exercise.
    Feel free to e-mail jake or myself with any questions!


    Post count: 93172

    I had the same experiences as you except I was a little porky even though I ran 3 miles every day. I’ve never had the shakes or the eye problems but I was always in high gear and hot. What I didn’t realize was that I was loosing all my muscles and I was having trouble standing up never mind sitting up.
    Although I’m greatful I don’t have any eye problems I’m sure I would have been diagnosed before. Susan

    Post count: 93172

    Me and Porky know eachother very well….and it looks like we are going to be friends for a long time now…..:)

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