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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’ve suffered from migraines since I was about eight years old. I honestly don’t remember them getting any worse around the time I was diagnosed with the eye disease. Take care. SAS

    Post count: 93172

    Hi All

    Question for those of you who suffer from Graves’ Eye Disease: Is the onset of the eye disease predicated by a string of migraines? I’ve had three in the past week; first optho appointment scheduled in two weeks. Curious as to the possible relativity. Rather angry at my body right now for continuously disappointing me.

    Thanks for your input.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Caroline,

    I can’t say that the migraines precede the eye disease. I do know
    that when I first got GD I suffered horrible migraines and
    I still get them every so often.
    Good luck with your Optho appt. I hope everything goes really well
    for you.
    Much happiness,

    Post count: 93172

    No, I never had a migraine headache before or during (so far) the eye disease. You may be really uptight worrying about your upcoming visit to the doc. I hope the headaches ease up for you.

    Post count: 93172

    My Dr. told me that it is very common to get migraines with this disease. I take Imitrex and it helps a great deal.

    Post count: 93172

    I’m really glad to know someone else is having these horrible headaches.
    I’ve been having them for a year and sometimes I wonder if my eyes a going to pop out and roll across the floor! Well you have to laugh. I don’t get any relief from Imitrex or midrin. Any suggestions?

    Post count: 93172

    I used to get migraines regularly, but haven’t in the past few years — and they didn’t reappear with the Graves. One of my doctors gave me a list of foods to avoid — they were almost all my favorite foods, BTW. Majorly featured on the list of no-nos are caffeine, chocolate, vanilla, bran, tomatoes, yogurt, spinach, most cheeses, all products with nitrates (nitrites?) in them, like lunch meats, and sulfites (for me at least) — which can come in some canned tuna and in wines . Since I began limiting my intake of these foods (I could not give them up completely) the headaches have gone away. There is a chemical in many of these foods, I think it was called tyramine (or something like that), which reacts in some people to produce migraines. The dietary change worked for me. Anybody who would like to try this, and see if it makes a difference, can email me, and I’ll type out the list for them.

    Bobbi —

    Post count: 93172

    Hi All

    Thanks for your replies, SAS, Shannon, Joanne, Debra, and buzpa. Debra, I will check to see if Imitrex is for me. buzpa, a friend and I are experimenting with a home remedy she says her mom has used “for years” ie. putting both feet in a bowl of hot, hot, as hot as you can stand it water, then putting them into ICE water for as long as you can stand it, and back and forth for about 10, 15 minutes. I’ve tried it once and within 30 minutes I had relief, but I had also about run my usual course of 24 hours of pain. So it’s hard to tell. The next time I tried it, honestly, my head was pounding so bad I couldn’t get out all the paraphernalia without lying on the floor in a fetal position and crying. So I tried a make-shift set-up by running the hot and cold water in the tub; not hot or cold enough. I will be trying again with the next one, and will let you know, buzpa, if this primitive method works.

    Thanks for your input, All. Health and happiness to you all.

    Post count: 93172

    My sister just got a migraine last week. I could use the list of offending
    foods, but the ones you already listed are a good start. Are there more?

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Taskit,

    I’ve had migraines for years .. Imitrex doesn’t work for me, but here are a couple of things that help. Try tying a bandanna tightly around your head (yes really). Also, smelling lavender (candle or essential oil, or even that flaxseed & lavender eye pillow) is also soothing and helps some. The prescription medicine that helps me more than anything is Toradol – and it doesn’t make me groggy or have any of the usual narcotic symptoms.

    Good luck — my sister has had some success with taking feverfew every day — although it didn’t help me, it might help you.


    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the idea–I’ll try anything, but I’m not at all sure that I am having migraines anymore. I started having these awful headaches about a year ago at which time it appeared that my left eye was drooping. The fifth doctor, an neuro-opt. diagnosed my graves disease. I am so shocked, because my dad and sister both have graves disease, and both of their eyes bulged at the same time and they had weight loss.
    So anyway I finally found out my left eye was not drooping, but that my right eye was bulging, and I have to say I look scary! The pain has now moved over to my left eye, so I am assuming that it now affecting my left eye also–you almost have to laugh at least my eyes will look even!!! I know that this is going to take quite some time to get controll over, and I’m glad that there are other people to talk to about this, as I am feeling quite irritated to know I have to go thru everything that my dad and sister have. They tell me you don’t ever feel normal again. Any suggestions would be great

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