Hey Warrior!
I don’t have the eye problems that badly yet, so this is not from personal experience. I used to live in Illinois (Rantoul) and they have been doing some absolutely fantastic work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for blind persons who work with computers. I bet if we threw our challenge their way, they could help! Who knows, it might even work!
As for the suffer in silence, remember, a warrior’s family is there to listen and we are all family here.
Mitake Oyasin
Unfortunately I haven’t found anything that helps much with seeing the computer or paperwork at work. I too have graves eye disease complete with glaucoma and cataracts. For reading paper I use a lighted magnifying glass and am fortunate enough to have two windows because I can hardly see except in natural light. When it comes to the computer I just keep moving my head until the blurs become letters. Over time I have come to believe that one of the reasons people with the eye problems feel ill is from trying to see all day. Sometimes my brain just feels overloaded trying to figure out what it is looking at and I feel sick to my stomach. I don’t think it’s sick from graves, but sick from the eye stress.
Hi Warriors,
Does anyone have suggestions to improve their use of the computer or
reading materials while at work while handling the graves eye disease
aspect of blurred or tearing eyes? (Working with glaucoma and cataracts) Are there any good visual assisted devices
to make the job easier? My employer wants to give me a 21 inch
screen computer monitor and I am currently waiting for a letter from
my neuro-opth spelling out what will make my life easier on the job but I
was wondering how others cope?? I understand there is a magnifier device
that can be placed next to a computer, does anyone else have this?
Any input is appreciated, thanks for your help once again!Dee
I just got a 21 inch monitor at work and it has made a world of difference.
I look at everything in 14 pitch so it is easy to read. I also have a full
page magnifyer that I use to read drawings and documents.An update since this mornings post. I went in and had a visual field test.
Left eye was OK but the right eye has gotten much worse in the past 10 days.
Have a good sized blind spot at the top. Will be hearing this week what is
going to happen. will keep you all posted.Jake
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