If you are a U.S. Resident you can file a claim under the Social Security Administration. They will interview you and if you have been out of work for an extended period of time it may strengthen your case. If you have graves eye disease too that may help. In addition they wil need a list of all of your doctors you have seen for the past year and how this disease has affected your line of work by a written statement
and the period of time you were out.In addition, your employer may have a short=term or long-term disability plan you may want to check into
also.The phone number for the s.s, administartio is in the blue pages there should be a toll free number for you. Hope this helps, your pal olive oil.
I’ve been on disability because of Graves Eye Disease for six months now. I had a plan through my office who paid short term for four months and now I get paid through the insurance company. My GP was the one who suggested it. I was going to work tired from no sleep, having a lot of trouble because of double vision, tearing, light sensitivity and sore and puffy eyes. The insurance company needed letters from my Doctors, GP, Endo and Ophthalmologist. Actually all they needed was the information already on file. All specialists report to GP’s so your GP should have all the information. I don’t know how anyone can work with the eye disease. I find it hard enough just coping at home!! Good luck.
I am suffering with Graves Disase. I do mean suffering! I can not seem not find the information I need. Has anyone ever heard of getting disability on the basis of Graves Disease? I have talked to a couple doctors . . .none of whom have been of any help. They say that the disease is so rare that there just is not much available on the subject. If anyone could be of any help to me at all . . .I would certainly appreciate you. Popeye
Hi, I was diagnoses with Graves Disease last Feb. and had the atomic cocktail in March. I am doing fairly well now except for aches and pains and some grouchy moments. My question is if Graves Disease is considered a disabilty ( social security,disabilty) I have some days that I could’nt imagine having to try and go to work. If anyone has any info please let me know. thanx
This is a good point here. I am interested to know about this also. I was diagnosed back in December with GD. Just about losing my mind at work with sweats, aggrivation, shaking, etc. I decided to leave my job. I would have liked to take a leave of absense, but my employer agreed it would be best to terminate my employment. They had mentioned to me at that time to see if I could get workmens comp/disability. When I confronted my endo on this last year, her reponse was: No, forget about it. You’ll never get it. I wouldn’t even try.” Is this a common response from a doctor? This just blew me away! Do any doctors go to bat for their patients? I’d be interested to know what has happened to anyone else regarding this issue.
I am new to BB. Had RAI 4 weeks ago and have been ill for 5 months. Can any of you tell me whether its reasonable to apply for SS Disability? I left my job in March because I thought I was losing my mind and didn’t want anyone to know. Found out I had Graves, tried to deal with it and look for work. Found a new job and lasted one day due to heart problems and feeling of nervous breakdown. Now I’m unable to do much of anything do to post RAI toxicity and expect some months of recovery before I can deal with the stress of a new job. I fear being treated like a “flake” if I even ask. My emotional state is not good for dealing with the system but ?? Thanks for your help!
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