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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    The antibodies did not show up in my blood until one year after I had RAI. I didn’t know that could be an independent event. I was releived when the antibodies showed up because I was afraid that I never had Graves and that I radiated my thryoid for nothing. I thought perhaps that my symptoms were something else and maybe would have gone away. So, anyway, I was shocked when the antibodies showed up later than diagnosis. I had symptoms, hot flashes, hyper, hair falling out, etc. My uptake was 83%. My TSH was non-existent but I had no antibodies. I do now. Hope this helps.

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with Graves disease recently. I had previously (past 2 years) been treated with anxiety and depression (panic attacks were terrible). Recently I went for physical (have had palpitations, anxiety, depression, hot flashes etc. for quite some time – 1 1/2 years or so) and my doctor told me my TSH was low. He then took more tests and sent me to an endo. The endo took uptake scan and found my whole
    thyroid to be enlarged and diagnosed me with Graves. Since then I have
    had RAI (about 6 weeks ago) and the symptoms are even worse. My doctor says I could have had Graves all along but why would it not show up in my blood work?? I never had problems with anxiety and depression like this before. . . . Is this all Graves?
    Thanks for your help.

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