I have Graves Disease and have undergone the RAI treatment.I’ve
had two blood tests since August and they both said that my T4
is in the normal range and my TSH is .03 (normal is .74 – 5.?). Anyway
I was taken off synthroid because my TSH is so low.
What does this mean? I was told by my doctor that my thyroid has
normalized and that I don’t need to worry about the TSH level. He
expects it to come back to normal, even though my TSH blood test is the
same as last month. My T4 was lower than last month, but is in the
normal range. He wants me to go back in two months time for a blood
I am very concerned because he is the second doctooor in the same hospital I have ask about this.
The first said that I’m still hyperthyroid, the other said that I’m
basically not, and should not be so concerned. What is your opion in
this matter. I’m tired of being told different stories and wonder
what I should do next. Thanks. Lisa