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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Shari,

    Welcome to the Board! I just wanted you to know that I have a friend with Graves’ who went undiagnosed for YEARS (despite her eyes bulging out of her head) because she was gaining weight instead of losing it, and her thyroid levels were within the normal range but on the high side — poor girl went three years without knowing what was going on in her own body! Some people are just “contrary” when it comes to symptoms, I don’t believe anyone knows why.

    Autoimmune diseases are related because they are caused by dysfunction of your immune system, and if your immune system is weak in one respect it may be weak in other respects or even be further debilitated by having one autoimmune disease.

    Hope this helps — keep your chin up, I’m wishing you luck!


    Post count: 93172

    I’m another poster who has hypoglaucemia (sp???) and GD. For a long time I didn’t realize my symptoms were GD, when I shook I assumed I was on a protien low, and if I ate peanut butter I usually felt better. I can’t give you a theory on the weight, except to tell you you must be an exceptional person! :)
    In my family the trend was just the opposite, I was on the lookout for diabetes, and I was the 1st one to show up w. GD. Since then my cousin’s daughter has also been diagnosed.
    If you figure out how you lost weight after treatment, many of us posters would be mighty interested
    Good luck and good health

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