The way I have seen the issue worded in books like THE THYROID SOURCEBOOK, and others, JMC, is that if a person gets one autoimmune disorder there is a slightly higher chance that they can get another one. There is no direct cause and effect. It just seems that some of us are more likely to develop an autoimmune problem (for reasons as yet unknown), and if that is the case, we are at a slightly higher risk for getting another one than someone who has no autoimmune problem. I have not seen, in any good medical article, any percentages given.
Even though I am as guilty as the next person of this, I don’t think it is a good idea to self-diagnose. I keep finding out that the human body is a LOT more complicated than my simple understanding of things would lead me to believe. So I would recommend that you see your doctor about the joint pain. It could be that there is something entirely different than arthritis going on.
NGDF — Asst. Online Facilitator