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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Interesting to see the comments about tooth problems. Last year I had to have oral surgery. My brain is too foggy to remeber the formal name, but I had to have sybthetic bone placed inside my gums to prevent my teeth from falling out. I had gum disease, with accompanied bone loss. This was the second time in mylife. The first was while I was pregnant for the second time. I beleive the hormone surges caused this problem, even though they are different hormones. I wondered why I had the problem last year, but again thought I was going thru menopause at 39, eventhough doctor insistedI was too young.

    Post count: 93172

    Well, some things are sure to happen “sometimes” but I’m forgetting ALOT of things I’ve never forgotten and quite often since going hypo!Things like forgetting to fill a check out and mailing it, driving down the road and go in a panic cuz I actually for a moment forgot where I was going! Getting to the store and realize I forgot to put my shoes on.Be in the middle of a sentence, in the middle of a conversation and forget what I was talking about! These things do happen occasionally to every1 but for the past 2 months, I do it tooo much! But when your brain doesn’t get enuff thyroid hormone, these things are “expected to happen! It’s what I call not running on all 8!
    But those are good for a laugh when my hubby and I talk about em! :):)

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