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    Post count: 93172

    I was particularly interested to read the posting which indicated that Graves is often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. I am not surprised. I have a brother , David, who has been acting in a very bizarre fashion for a number of years. He goes through cycles where he loses a lot of weight and becomes very manic. Since my own diagnosis I have been convinced that he has Graves but he refuses to take a blood test. He has blown his whole inheritance, has joined several cults, and has become involved in all kinds of strange food fads which I am convinced were an intuitive attempt to self medicate. I started drinking to excess before my own diagnosis and that is how I knew something was wrong because I don’t drink. Apparently that was self medication. We thought David was suffering from manic depression. Does anyone have any suggestions as to reading material re this subject?? I bought the DSM-IV which talks about hypo thyroidism but does not mention graves. I really want to know. I need some insight into my own behaviour last summer…… I am still cleaning up the financial and other messes. Jenny

    Post count: 93172

    I’m really glad you brought this up. I would love to hear other comments and opinions on the subject. My entire personality changed just before
    diagnosis, I did some impulsive things (entirely out of character for me) and I too am still clearing up the financial messes. Much of it I have no memory of doing and I am terrified that it might happen again. My self esteem is wrecked and I have this chronic nagging anxiety that I will wake up some morning insane. I don’t trust my instincts as a result of those months when I was so emotional and hyper. Actually I think I have swung to the opposite side of the pendulum now because I am compulsive about not making a bad decision or mistake or appearing crazy. I think I am more a prisoner of the emotional effects than the physical ones. Anyone else have comments?

    Regards to all, Valerie

    Post count: 93172

    I have read that GD can cause mental illness that can be irreversible, is this true, or just one of those things you hear from other people. I am having a hard time with this bout of GD and feel that is my problem. I can’t ride in a car, go to the store for very long, barely can eat, and can’t seem to relax. I am afraid these feelings will not go away.

    Post count: 93172

    Did you tell your doctor how you feel? I did and my doctor put me on a anti-deressant,It seem to help alot. You need to have your doctor listen to you,make she he or she knows where you are coming from.

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