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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi J S

    Welcome to the NGDF Bulletin Board. I’m so glad it has been able to give you some information. Knowledgte is Power as Nancy Patterson always says.

    First of all you really do need to listen to what your doctor tells you. You should ask him how it is harmful to people with Graves Disease, as I’ve never heard of that. I’ve taken Ambien, but not currently taking it now. I know there are several people who post on this board who have taken it also.

    Insomnia is very commen to people who have Graves Disease, where it is hypo or hyper. That is the problem with Graves is that both hypo and hyper can sometimes have the same symptoms.

    You do need to sleep because of the fact that right now you are sick and need you rest, which includes a nice night sleep without interrups.

    Diane B On-Line Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Hello All, Thanks for all the great information on this site. It has been very helpful to me. Just wondering if anyone has experience taking sleep aides such as Ambien while having Graves Disease? My endo. would not prescribe Ambien to me because he said that it is not good for people with thyroid problems; however my eye doctor recommended it because he says the lack of sleep makes the TED symptoms worse. Any advice on this topic? J S

    Post count: 93172

    Whenever I travel is when I have problems sleeping and I’ve taken Ambien for years, given to me by my endo. So not sure why your endo says it isn’t good with someone with GD. I only use this product maybe 1 or 2 times a year and maybe you are thinking of using it more often but nothing was ever said to me you shouldn’t take it if you have thyroid diseases.

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