I think the problem with friends was at its worst in the initial period. No
one could seem to comprehend why I couldn’t do this or that (I was a total
basket case with the anxiety), I cancelled a lot of plans and got
the big inquisition over it — I used to be the type that would never say
“no” and do too much, running around like crazy all week. I tend to talk ALOT and suddenly hated
being on the telephone…so I was putting off people by not taking calls.
Also, people kept asking WHEN will you feel better, HOW LONG does this
take to “be cured.” I had no idea and wanted to know myself!!
Anyway, now things are fine…the friends that matter most are still there
and are very supportive. The ones who weren’t true friends, well, I don’t miss them.
Besides, “there’s a friend who sticks closer than a brother” who never left
me during the whole ordeal!!!