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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Greetings All,

    Having been reading the postings for awhile now and speaking to a number
    of you personally I thought it was time to drop a note. Graves does affect
    job performance for some folks. You need to be honest with your employer and
    tell them if you are having problems. I am an acquisition logistics manager
    for the Dept of the Air Force. I had to stop traveling due to the disease for
    some time. I also could not give briefings because I would forget what I was
    doing in the middle of a presentation. My employer has been fantastic in
    understanding my problems. They have worked with me and been very supportive.
    I know this is not the norm but I believe my being truthfull has helped.

    As for the memory problem that is the most troublesome for me. I have began
    doubting my judgement and I have had other people in my directorate review my
    work to make sure I am not loosing my touch. I have worked out a “code” word
    when I am briefing. If I get lost I look at my coworkers and say “the train
    has left the station” and they know it is a clue that my mind has gone for a
    walk and it will be back. They then say what Jake was saying was etc.etc until
    my mind comes back home and I jump back in and say something and they know my
    mind has come home to roost.

    One other thing you may want to consider is to identify yourself as
    handicapped (most employers have a form for self identification)in case your
    employer at a latter date has a problem with your performance. It does offer
    some protection under the law as to what they can do to you. It took me seven
    years to get to the point where I filled out the paperwork. My employer has
    been great but managers change and I want to be prepared. With the downsizing
    of the Government I felt the need to protect my job.

    The best thing you can do is work with your doctor to get your meds where
    you feel comfortable. I know Rachel was not feeing well and she got her
    doc to up her meds and is doing better. (way to go Rachel). My doc runs
    me borderline hyper. It is what works for me and it was better for my eyes.
    Keep the faith, keep a good sense of humor, and keep writing and talking
    with us. You are not alone and if you are having problems drop a line to
    the board and one of us has probably been there or done that and can provide


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