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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I think the decision of staying with your GP or going to an endo should rest on how confident you are in your GPs knowledge of Graves’. I stayed with my GP, in part because he recognized the Graves’ right off the bat and in part, the closest endo was 100 miles away.

    As for foods, I found I had to GREATLY reduce my caffeine intake as it was affecting my heart rate (I still haven’t been able to completely kick the habit, even in remission it still bothers me, but I HAVE to have a half cup of coffee in the morning). I stopped drinking anything with aspartame in it as it could have been a trigger for the Grave’s (but in my case I have at least 4-5 possible triggers, but better safe than sorry). And I pretty much had to limit alchohol as the effects were such you wave the bottle in front of me and I was falling down drunk (not to mention the hangovers. I never had hangovers before). There are foods you may want to avoid, but I’ve just had a brain derailment and I can’t think of them (the one lasting side effect of Graves’, my memory is still shot. sigh).

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