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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I just wanted to post some good news for a change. My life’s been an
      emotional roller coaster since right after Thanksgiving. I’ve been
      frustrated with my doctor and with most significant personal relationships.

      I had a meeting with my doctor on Wednesday. She was very patient, spent
      probably more than a half hour talking with me. I’m now taking only
      2.5 mg. of Tapazole as a test. I’ve been having “undocumented” side effects
      from the medicine. I only have these side effects when all my levels
      are normal, except TSH. I’m going in for bloodwork in 3 weeks, earlier
      if I reach a point where I feel totally out of control [some might say
      insane] or it becomes dangerous to operate my car. I also asked her
      why my T3 did not rise before T4. After some explanations of the various
      tests, she finally admitted that there may not be an answer. Her openess
      and honesty, as well as the fact that she seems to believe me about
      the side effects, and is willing to work with me, is good news to me.
      Physically, I’m doing pretty good. I have enough energy, but not too
      much. I’ve been in bed before midnight all week. Tonights Friday, so
      I’ll probably be up late.

      Have a Great Weekend,


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