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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dee, my server isn’t reconising this address?

    Post count: 93172

    Good Morning Warriors,

    I came across a good website to check out for those suffering
    from eye problems with graves disease or other eye conditions it is under
    the National Eye Institute. From what I read they promote education on eye diseases
    and publications. Maybe we can talk them into doing one on
    Graves eye disease to be placed in doctor’s offices, hospitals, etc for
    distribution. It also indicates they do funding on research for eye diseases too.
    The problem I guess is finding a doctor willing to spend all the time on this issue
    and documenting everything. Dr. Wall out of Allegheny is the only doc I now of
    right now. Does anyone else now of additional research ongoing?

    The address is:

    Have a good day!

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