This is just too important to be left unsaid.
I’ve got graves and came to this site for a little support. After about a week the only thing it’s done is make me feel worse – the constant complaints are unbearable. I haven’t read one posting with a positive attitude. Misery enjoys company I guess.
Why does every headache, tired feeling, soreness, lack of attention, etc etc etc have to be your Graves disease? I really don’t think any of you need the people on this BB to feel sorry for you, you’ve already got that taken care of.
If this is the worst thing that ever happens to you in your life, count your blessings.
Now how about a little positive thinking and getting on with your life. I think for some of you this Graves diagnosis was the best thing that ever happened to you – you’ve been given a label for what I believe to be your underlying depression and neediness.
Carry on with your complaining, I’ll be happy and healing with my good attitude.