In case you haven’t read all the symptoms of this desease, being out of sort and impatient with people is a common symptom. This is not the first time someone has posted similar statements on this board.
But, believe it or not, the people on this board care about each other. They will try and help you in any way they can. Sometimes getting an answer to a question takes a few tries, because it depends on who is reading and posting to the board at the time. The facilitators, I believe, try to read all the posts and answer them, but they are all volunteers and work regular jobs, so give them time to answer you. Please don’t give up on this BB. It can be a great help. Most people who are thru the worst stages of the desease don’t read or post to the BB on a daily bases, however they sometimes post to let everyone know how well they are doing, so be patient you will see possitive posts.
Wishing you well. You are welcome to e-mail me.