Had enough?
Could be. Maybe not!! We have had thousands of people move through this BB. The physical number of posts does not reflect the amount of traffic that this site gets. This BB receives over 100,000 hits a month. People find us when they are looking for answers. They look for us when they feel bad or scared. They look for someone going through the same thing that they are so the world doesn’t seem like such a lonely place.
They are looking for others who have been there so they know it will get better. They are looking for others who are going through what they are so they have someone to talk to who can relate. Does it come across like a grip session? Yep some times it does. BUT it also lets people know that they are not alone. It lets people say to us what they cannot or will not say to loved ones or their doctors.
We have had many people check out the site and send us an e-mail saying the same thing you did. Many come back a year or two latter when things start to go a little strange for them and are glad we are still here. Good bye and Good riddance? Good by for now and I hope you continue to feel well. Good Riddance? That choice is yours alone. We will be here if you need help or an ear to hear your “gripes”. We will also be here if you need help or a question answered.
We are here for you. If you chose not to visit us it is nice to know we are still there if you need us. We are only a click away. Live life like a warrior and live your life to the fullest.
On-line Facilitator