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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Over the many years that I’ve been reading this BB (since Nov. 1996), I’ve grown accustomed to these types of messages that seem to appear on a regular basis. I usually ignore them thinking that they are either from people who seem to populate such lists to only stir up trouble or from someone who is in a “Graves mood.” This is the first one that I’ve ever commented on. I don’t mean to be confrontational or
    disregard anything the poster has stated, but would like to reiterate a few things that have been stated many times since Jake George began all this in June, 1996. As the poster stated, I also believe that “this is just too important to be left unsaid.”

    This BB services a massive number of people, some of whom we never “see.” They are lurkers just looking for information about a chronic disease with which they or someone they hold dear has been diagnosed. Many of these lurkers come to find a kindred soul who is or has experienced this disease in a similar fashion. Sadly, this is mostly due to the fact that the medical establishment has little understanding of this disease. It is just too vast! There are too many variables for it to scientifically fit into any reasonable study. Consequently, the medical establishment has yet to even agree on what causes this disease!

    This disease attacks one’s body in a very unusual fashion. While some diseases are specific to an organ or a system, Graves Disease manages to attack it all…down to the cellular level! At some point in the progression of this disease, your body is entirely chemically imbalanced, so why would anyone expect a patient not to act or feel abnormal? Yes, I admit, it does get very easy to blame everything on this disease, but that is just another hurdle to be overcome. However, this portion does indeed get easier through the progression of the disease…if you are lucky enough to be in the 90% that does indeed progress. As viewers of this BB, you must remember that the
    greatest majority of posts are from people who are having problems progressing through some area (i.e., the eye disease) or people who are newly diagnosed. Or,as Bobbi mentioned in an earlier post not long ago, us “old-timer” lurkers who have committed ourselves and a portion of our lives to giving back the knowledge we have gained through our trials with Graves. IMHO, what a wasted trip it would’ve
    been for me, if I didn’t try to educate and reassure others about Graves!

    I do agree that in comparison, there could be a lot worse things than having Graves. But through the years, there have been lifestories told here that make my meager one seem blessed. For, to me, adding Graves Disease to some lives here would seem like heaping burning coals upon my head and I am thankful that these seemingly “tortured” souls are willing to share their stories of just being able to live one more day. For in their show of strength, I am strengthened…in learning
    of their spirit, my spirit is encouraged. To me, it is this kind of “support” that makes this BB special. You must look beyond the words here, the common,seemingly everyday complaints, for just by asking the question, others are encouraged. Maybe, only by the simple fact to find that they are not alone.

    I hope that you understand my comments as only my opinion and how one “old timer” reads between the lines. I had no intention of offending, inflaming or otherwise disregarding your comments. I do applaud you for your good attitude and hope that you are indeed happy and healing. My only other hope is that you share that attitude with others around you who may need to see a “light at the end of the tunnel.” As with all chronic diseases, “forever” can be a long time.

    All the best,
    Sheila H.

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