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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    This is the advice I’ve received so far on the BB.

    1) Just accept the fact you have the disease – there nothing you can do about – all the positive thought in the world won’t heal you.

    2) You really don’t feel as well as you think you do. Just think how good you could feel on the medication.

    No thanks – I’ll go on my own.

    Post count: 93172

    I have only been with this BB for awhile I don”t think you are thinking right. I didn’t get that at all from this board. Give yourself time to think things out,you will be glad you stuck with us. Maybe don’t read for awhile to see how you are doing then maybe you will think different,I know I did. I use to think the same way you did,I would be more depressed after reading the post,then once I started on the med. and my body adjusted to it I was able to think better,oh,yes I still have bad days but the BB make me thankful I am able to handle things better now.

    Post count: 93172

    I’m relatively new to this BB, although I have been reading the posting for a couple of months. I have had graves disease for almost 10 years now. I wish that I had this sort of support that the BB brings back then. There are months at a time, when I feel great, then there are times I really feel bad. That’s when I’m really scared, and need some support. Half the time when I go to the doctor, I feel kinda “brushed off”. I want to hear from people who are going through the same stuff as I am, because I am tired of hearing “Oh, it’s just stress”, etc. Until you actually live this, how can you really relate? It is a chronic condition (everchanging at that) that you have to learn to deal with, and it’s nice to know that there are people here for you that will give you the support that you don’t always get from your spouse, family, etc. Well, I wish you nothing but good health and happiness, isn’t that what we are all striving for in the long run? Certainly no one chooses to be afflicted with this. This BB provides me with comraderie, education and a strengh in knowing that although I may not feel my best today, with the knowledge I gain, I will tomorrow.

    Post count: 93172

    I’m sorry you Had Enough, but I’m speaking from experience that this board is the best thing that’s happened to me since I was diagnosed with GD. I too left the board at one point. However, it was not for any of the reasons you posted, it was over a gender biased joke. It was a mistake to leave. I felt very much alone after I left. My family and friends are supportive of me, but nobody understands fully the sufferings of this disease as we who live it daily. After a couple of days of what I felt as isolation, I searched the web for another BB. There are others out there, but none as supportive and thorough as this one. I was asked to come back. That’s how much they care. Now I have applied to become a member of the foundation. That’s how much I believe in it.

    Kristy mentioned that perhaps you may not have received a reply. I’m sorry if you didn’t. I only reply to posts of which I can relate, as this one. I know virtually nothing about ATD’s, or hypothyroidism. I think I’m just becoming hypo. As I don’t know who you are, I can’t track to see what you posted. None of us can and as a result we can’t help you.

    You responded to Valerie L’s post by stating, “Contradictions?” Well, first of all, didn’t you expect complaints when you entered this site? There are indeed posts with positive attitudes. I know for a fact without even searching, because I posted one myself on 4-22 (within the past week) with the subject “Graves’, teeth – Denstist visit.” My dentist would like information on GD and teeth, and I was asking for help in educating him. Is that not a positive attitude?

    We’re not asking for anyone to feel sorry for us by “complaining” about headaches, tiredness, soreness, lack of attention, etc., etc., etc. We’re comparing, consoling and SUPPORTING. After all, isn’t that what a support group is all about?

    Yes, there are worse things that can happen to us than GD, and I do count my blessings that I don’t have cancer, or live in Kosovo. I wonder why you even came to this board in the first place if you consider GD to be so insignificant.

    We are getting on with our lives together. This is, however, a life-long illness. If this is not a hoax, as you say, and if you truly have GD, how can you think that GD is the best thing that’s ever happened to us to vent our underlying depression and neediness? I can’t help but assume you know virtually nothing about GD. This disease affects us physically and mentally — literally from head to toe. There’s your first step to research.

    If you are sincerely afflicted with this disease, you could just be having a bad day, and I wish you a better one tomorrow. I conclude from your post that you will not be happy and healing with your good attitude. I thought I would be too when I left, but I was even more miserable. There may be a lot of angry people out there who have read your post, but I for one hope you will post tomorrow with a good attitude, and hang in there with us. You need us, whether you believe it or not. We are a forgiving people also. I can attest to that. Since I’ve been back, I’ve made a lot of friends. These people care about me and I care about them.

    Sleep on it.


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