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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I am leaving for Atlanta, and will see my bone implants that will build out my cheekbones after my next decompression. Had all the surgeries in 1990. I’m not scared (yet) but this is not a procedure I am familiar with (but you can bet I will be soon!) Good news is that eye antibodies are down, but thyroid antibodies are up. I think that is simply residual. I willl lreport on what I learned from the drug manufacturer–we talked a long time, I have some studies, and she is doing a complete literature search for us. In the meantime: take a slow, deep breath…hold it…that’s good…now exhale and hold lit a that quiet point when your body is between breaths. Repeat as many times as needed or desired. I forgot to tell you all that my dissertation was in STRESS MASTERY, and I have been teaching relaxation and meditation for fifteen years.

      Gotta’ go and drive to Atlanta for three hours both ways. Will send my collective thoughts on most of your concerns tomorrow–if they will let me in the office. This computer is great! VERY FAST!

      Take care of you whole self,

      Always, Nancy Patteron

        Post count: 93172

        Hello Nancy,

        Your message re:bone implants was the first I have seen on the message board.
        My opthamologist mentioned cheek implants as an option for me and I have
        not seen any material about this. Do you know where I could read more or
        call or write to seek more information. Am considering orbital decomp. the
        beginning of next year though I am told it would be more for appearance
        because at this point the nerve is not in jeopardy. I am resigned to do
        something “aggressive” as they would say but I want to make the most infor-
        mative decision I can.

        I think my E-Mail address is

        Thanks, hope all goes well for you.

        Julie T.

          Post count: 93172

          Women With Great Cheekbones!
          Sophia Loren
          Audrey Hepburn
          and soon….
          Nancy Patterson

          You’ll join an elite group.
          My best wishes for this procedure to help you.
          I’ll be thinking of you.
          Keep in touch.

            Post count: 93172

            Hi Nancy! I hope your appointments in Atlanta went well! According to your post you had orbital decompression done in 1990. Do you now have to have another decompression done? For what reason and why the cheekbone implants? I can guess what your answers will be, but I want to hear your explanation.

            My decompression was done in 1993. Just wondering what MAY lie ahead. . .


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