To “me”:
From what I can figure out, since the thyroid controls so many aspects of our physiology, it’s only natural that it will affect our brains, as well. Many people with hyperthyroidism are misdiagnosed with some form of mental illness. I have a rather dark and paranoid personality by nature, so I’m not unfamiliar with thinking the same things you’re thinking. I notice that when I’m hyper, my brain gets really, really loud. I don’t know any other way to describe it, but it’s like all my thoughts and movements are being yelled at me by my head. I thought I was going totally nuts, but when my levels started going down after my RAI, my brain calmed down, too. Whew!
We’re all individuals and things affect us all very differently, so unless you think your imagination is running too wild, I wouldn’t worry too much. But, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, there are therapists out there who are understanding and don’t overmedicate. As for the previous assault thing. That could have something to do with it, as well. Perhaps a combination of both? Who knows… Only you can really sort it all out. Hope this helps.
Love and aloha, Caroline
I’m not sure if this is the Graves or a left-over from previous assault.
I have found that I go a little nutty at times. Mainly sort of dark and paranoid. For example, my lover doesnt understand me, doesnt care about me, wont look after me despite the massive caring I invest.
Or: I’m on holiday almost having a good time, my feet dangling over the edge of the wharf, feeding the seabirds with pieces of fish and chips. But night is gradually approaching.. I feel a little nervous…a man is walking down the wharf… he might push me in and drown me out of spite.
: ) Sounds even odder and sillier when I write these background thoughts “aloud”.
All these thoughts have a certain feel… something like those three-o’clock-in-the-morning thoughts that seem so dark and dangerous at the time but disappear in the sunlight of the morning.
Anybody got specific similarities?
Hormone fluctuations can make you have crazy, crazy thoughts. Try and chart what
type of the month it seems to happen most. There is a PMS web site out
there that actually mentions bizaare and paranoid thoughts as part of
many women’s premenstrual symptoms. My sister and a good friend of mine
are in perimenopause right now. Both have had “dark” thoughts that make
them feel as if they are going whacko, both were told that it’s part of
the hormonal chaos. I know in my most hyper I have had strange things
pop into my head and when I have terrible PMS I get similar things.My solution: well, psychologists call it Thought Blocking. I follow the rule of
Phillipians 4:8 which says to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely,
full of virtue, and to meditate on them. I make a conscious effort to
replace those creepy thoughts with good thoughts, even if it involves
just singing a tune over and over in my head till I chill out. (Just having
a creepy thought can make me very anxious since GD…always afraid it’s
coming back or my mind is finally cracking). If you find that your
particular problem is cyclical in nature, you can be hormone replacement therapy
to help you or anti–anxiety meds to take just during that time.Anyway, you are NOT alone. In fact, the more women I talk to about things
hormonal, the more I find out that in our mid-30’s and 40’s STUFF HAPPENS.
We’re not isolated cases!2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power
of love, and of a SOUND MIND.” Meditate on that one, and know that He cares.
Remember you are a warrior!Glynis
I am a very relaxed and laid back person, but I sometimes experienced intense periods of anxiety. I could never pinpoint a source or cause for the anxiety and it would just suddenly be there in the morning. I finally came to the concusion that it must have something to do with how my brain chemistry was affected by the many drugs, vitamins and minerals that I was taking. Hope this helps.
I recognise it. I would suddenly get worried that one of my kids were dead and that no one had the guts to tell me. Unless I could see them in front of me I couldn’t get my mind to let go of the thought.
I would worry that I would be beaten by every man over the age of 35 that I would talk to. I would guard my words carefully so as not to offend him for this fear.
I was very what I will call hyper vigilant. I at least had the sanity to know that these fears were unreasonable. I couldn’t stop them, but to at least know that they are not exactly based on the present reality would make it kinda like a movie that you know is not real. It’s still scares the hell out of you at the time.
These things have completely simmered down now that I am at anormal level. ( I think)
Best of Luck!
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