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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Who, I wonder, is paying for the litrature that tells doctors to
    blast the thyroid into hypo? opps! sorry sponsors………..

    Who writes it?
    Who questions it?
    Who gives alternatives?
    Who advocates it?
    Why do they advocate it?

    Am I making you all think now? I hope so.

    Look and ask the people who were operated on pre RAI days, discover
    how many are on thyroid replacement and what doses ( if at all they are).
    WHERE is the research on this?
    IS there any research on this?


    Post count: 93172


    I guess I’m lucky. My endo tried to finesse it and RAI me just enough to put me into “normal” ranges. It didn’t quite work, though, and I’m probably going to do it again.

    Aloha, Caroline

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