At the same time I became pregnant, I was also diagnosed with Graves. I had absolutely no symtems prior. Before meds, I was feeling awful. I had the rapid and skipping heart beats, sweating, jittery, nervous feeling, hungry, bulging eyes (not too bad though, only the doctors noticed it) watery eye/eyes. I also threw up all of the time, I don’t know if this was morning sickness or graves. I lost 18 pounds in the first 3 months – not good when you are pregnant. I also have asthma. It took a couple of months but they were finally able to calm me down and get a normal level. I did have one major asthma attack though since the int med doctor cut way back on my theophylline.
After many doctors and specialists argued back and forth about my and my baby’s well being, I delivered a perfectly healthy little girl anyway on May 10th. They were concerned at one point in time that she might not be getting enough nutrition across the placenta, but everything worked out just fine, thank God. She was small though 5lbs, 11oz. She shows no signs of thyroid problems.
My symptoms have disappeared. I haven’t put any eye lubricant in my eyes for over a month now. I stopped taking PTU in June and don’t take any other meds for thyroid problems. I just had my levels checked and all were normal except I have an elevated T4. ??? They don’t know just what to think of it. I’ve completely changed my asthma meds as well.
I don’t know if this helps or not, but I thought I’d try. Good luck.