Hi all,
My FP told me something recently that I thought I would pass along. It may have come up before, but I haven’t seen it since I’ve been reading the board.
He said that synthetic thyroid hormone, such as Synthroid or Levothroid, is notorious for having a very short shelf life. He said that the FDA pulled a lot of generic brands off of the market because they did not deliver consistent results when tested. Even the most dependable brands don’t keep their full potency as long as many other medications do. Furthermore, he said that he never writes someone a prescription for 100 pills – he writes them for 30 pills with refills. When someone gets 100 pills, apparently the chances are greater that the pills will be less effective by the time the patient reaches the end of the bottle.
I thought this would be good info to pass along. I had been saving the remnants of old bottles when my dosage was raised in case the endo lowered it again, but no more!
Has anyone else had a doctor tell them about this?