After trying to tell my doctor I was feeling many hyper symptoms for over 8 weeks even though my TSH was “normal”, she took me off the levoxyl. It was only a dosage of .88. I was off the medication 12 days and all the hyper symptoms went away. It was great not to be shaking anymore,
But…….I went for a blood test the next day because I was starting to feel something I had never felt before, extremely fatigued and lethargic. Went to my endo appointment today and my TSH had jumped to over 57 in just 2 weeks. Even my doctor was surprised that it jumped from normal to so high in such a short time.Guess the RAI really had killed off my thyroid.But she finally did agree that I had been having all the hyper symptoms.
Either the medication was to high for me, or the dyes, fillers or binders of Levoxyl did not agree with my system.Needless to say, I must be on medication with the TSH so high and feeling so bad, but we dropped the dosage to .75 which is what I had started on and had no problems. So now its Synthroid .50mg. 1 1/2 pills a day to equal the .75 mg. Guess I now know that the RAI really killed off my thyroid.
This is a new endo by the way, just wished my other doctor had listened to what I was saying instead of me having to go thru 8 weeks of bad hyper symptoms just because my labs said I was “normal”. Hope this does the trick,because as horrible as the hyper symptoms are, the extreme tiredness I am feeling now is just awful. I hurt all over my body, it almost feels like a really bad case of the flu that won’t go away.. I also do power walking but have not been able to do this for the past 6 days. By the way, my doctor told me to hold off the walking and take it easy for the next couple of weeks until my levels start to even off. She said if I continued to push it I could damage the muscle in my body permantely.
Now that I got that off my chest……..this dramatic increase in the TSH so quickly, is this a result of my having Graves, post RAI, induced hypothyroidism????? Is this because this is an autoimmune disease??
Since I never experienced any of the hypo symptoms before and basically stayed more within the hyper cycle, could the Graves be playing a bigger role here, then someone who had a basic hypothyroidism and not due to an autoimmune disease???Sorry this is so long and thanks for listening. I feel better just typing this out on the computer.
Welcome Dale! Yes, it’s great to find others with symptoms that aren’t necessarily part of our doctors’ understanding of Graves’ symptoms. Sorry to hear you’re not stabilizing on ATD’s. Have you been on them long-term and worked with your doctor to find the right regimen? As for “alternative therapies”, they should be used in conjunction with, not instead of, one of the three treatments for GD (surgery, radiation, ATD’s). We may not like any of these choices, but they are the effective choices we have at this time. As Karen B mentioned in an earlier post, even Deepak Chopra recommends conventional treatment. Many people report that skilled relaxation techniques are helpful (again, in conjunction with conventional treatment). Best wishes, Dianne N
there is no rush for rai dale
try to stay on the meds for a
year or two first before thinking rai
unless you are getting bad reactions
from the meds good luck- steveWhat a drag. I sounds like to symptoms for “hypo” are pretty much the same as the symptoms for “hyper” except for the weight gain. It sounds like you are on your way to saying good-bye to them, and I wish you a speedy recovery. I guess even though the bloodwork registers in the normal range it still takes a little while for the symptoms to be relieved. Keep in touch re: your progress. Frani
Just want to report that after being in remission for a couple of months, I managed to quit smoking, and this has really screwed things up and has sent me over to the hypo side of things. The propranalol prescribed for the tremors was worked out when I was still puffing 2 packs a day, which really constricts the blood vessels. Now with no nicotine in the system (not using patches or gum), vessels are wide open and proplanalol has dropped by heartbeat to below 50 per min. Saw doctor yesterday, and things are being corrected, but that slow heartbeat scared me to death. Am also gaining weight at a prodigious rate and I’m certainly not eating a whole lot, so doc ordered a new round of blood workups. I am also not sleeping well. Doctor says if It looks like I’m going to swing from hyper to hypo then back again, we’ll look at RAI. Just what I needed to hear on a lousy day anyway. The good news, though, is that the smoking is gone and looks like it will stay gone.
crb3@gte.netJust what I need to hear. I am planning on quitting smoking…But still haven’t been put on any treatment…Maybe I should REALLY try before I start treatment
I have a couple of questions regarding the eye problems.
Does the swelling ever go away on its own?
Or does it always involve the treatments?
Mine started in my left eye.Wanda
Charlie, CONGRATUATIONS on quitting smoking! I have struggled and failed, but have to do it. I read somewhere that cigarettes block the action of one or both of the drugs (Ptu or propanalol). So if the drug is doing a better job, then maybe you won’t keep on swinging hyper/hypo.
Any hints/help on quitting the “filthy weed” would be much appreciated. Lots of good wishes for staying in remission. -
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