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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Where did the time go? We have had conferences in Colorado and two in
      Kentucky. We have met so many wonderful people. It ALMOST makes having
      Graves’ worthwhile. I am at my 13th year…I can remember when we
      considered those people “old timers”. I still wish I hadn’t had RAI,
      but do think I would have had the eye problems, since they were already
      there. I moved to the mountains of Western North Carolina in search of
      peace and quiet, and although I got it, I am busier than ever. Setting
      limits is still hard for me. I continually try to make peace with
      myself, and not be so hard on my body. I need to take all my own advice
      – rest, meditation, the “E” word (Exercise). I now have four
      grandchildren. The best time I have had was being a camp nurse two
      summers ago. I didn’t have time to think about Graves’, and ended up
      with lots of energy for several months. I am still having eye surgery.
      There should be a “frequent eye-er” card to be punched. I hope we hear
      from lots of the original group. Things were very different then, and
      we need to reclaim some of it. Otherwise, ourprogress has been
      If you have let your membership lapse, now is a good time to renew it

      Nancy Hord-Patterson, PhD

        Post count: 93172

        Nancy,congrats on helping so many people over the years.You sure were
        a Godsend for me back in 93.Then the only mail we had, you had to put a
        stamp on.I only knew of 2 or 3 other people with Graves.How computors
        have changed our access to information. all the best phil

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