I only learned from Beth’s response, pasted here…
“Posted by : bethie on 7/1/2001 at 10:09:15 AM
I had the same problem. I was diagnosed with Cryptic Tonsilitis, which is better described as ‘Swiss Cheese Tonsils’….no pun intended!! I had caverns in my tonsils where food particles became trapped. Not a fun thing to have. But, I had my tonsils taken out 3 years ago to aleviate the problem. From what I read up on Cryptic Tonsilitis, it can increase your chance of throat cancer. I do not have #’s as to what the increase is, though. I suggest you see an ENT(Ears, Nose, and Throat Doc) to be evaluated.
But I was interested to note it didn’t occur for the first 15 months of my Graves.