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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with GD 5-1/2 years ago. My meds include
    Synthroid, Amitriptylin, Atenolol and Claritin. My symptoms
    include tiredness, chronic pain, irregular heartbeat, high blood
    pressure, rheumatoid arthitis, and lung problems associated
    with allergic reactions to certain chemicals and pollution.
    I have had a life-long weight problem and am now very obese.
    I believe that my over-eating stems from stress and
    depression (over the years I have had 9 surgeries unrelated
    to GD and I believe this may have led to the depression).
    I have been working out nearly every day for
    the past 2 years, but still continue to gain weight. I
    also have moderate to severe muscle and joint pain every
    day – the type usually associated with beginners working
    out or overdoing it. I also have mood swings and crying
    jags and thought I was just going crazy and felt completely
    out of control. Many days I still have unexplained fevers,
    tremors, fatigue and just generally feeling lousy. I
    thought it was just me. After reading some of the posted
    messages I understand that this disease is a struggle for
    all of us. I was feeling so down on myself and blaming
    myself for not feeling better. Despite my weight problem,
    I have been a vegetarian for many years, never drank, smoked
    and exercised fairly regularly but I have tremendous cravings
    for dairy products especially ice cream, cheese and milk
    chocolate. These foods seem to calm me down. I have tried
    nearly every weight loss program, diet, etc. but find it
    getting harder and harder to calm down without my food fixes.
    Could this also be a problem associated with GD? Does
    anyone else experience any of this? My doctor is at a loss
    to explain my behavior, none of his suggestions have helped.
    Neither has natural, herbal, holistic or homeopathic
    supplements or remedies. Right now, my main complaints
    are continued fatigue and pain, as with the weight nothing
    seems to help. If anyone else has any tips or suggestions
    for me, I would greatly appreciate them. Sorry this is so
    long, but I still have many questions and welcome the
    chance to talk to others who are going through the same

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Van, welcome to the BB. I noticed you are on Amitriptylin. All I know is I was on that several years back for my migraine headaches. The doctor told me to expect to gain weight. He said the particular drug makes you hungry all the time. Even though I was aware of it I did eat more and I did gain about 20 pounds. It took months of power walking five times a week to get my weight back down after I came off it. It didn’t help my headaches either!!!

    Take care and keep asking questions – there is a lot of help on this BB. SAS

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