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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      ok, I feel like I need to say one more thing to you. You remarked that you get irritated at “positive thinkers” cuz it’s just thoughts, and in doesn’t change anything. I find that to be a rather superior attitude. To turn something into to a positive experience (an action) there has to be a conscious thought first, which is where I think “positive thinking” comes in. Yes, maybe some people will get hung up with the thought and not take it any further, but maybe eventually they’ll become less passive. I guess what I’m suggesting is that it’s a step and that’s something. All that said, let me tell you I’m really enjoying this conversation!!!Good night everybody! Trish

        Post count: 93172

        I love your comment on “Superior attititude” Trish, and have many thoughts to share on that. I think you hit on a biggie! I have to go take care of my Alzheimers and Stroke friends right now tho so I hope I can hold my thoughts until this eveing. Will have to resort to writing them down.


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