I had a long talk with my Rheumotologist about Graves and how it and its treatments can impact my Fibromyalgia (FMS). FMS can in some cause chemical sensativity and the anit thyroid drugs can cause rashes in non sensative people. He feel that my fisrt course of action is RAI. My chemical sensativity is rather bad powdered bleach can send me int anaphylaxis so he may be hand holding me a bit.
He suggested a doctor whom he works with to treat my graves they work out of the same clinic. He said “He will treat your graves and I will treat your pain but I will help him learn how o treat you”
Graves can cause your FMS symptoms to get worse just like everything else impacted by a system placed on over drive. So on top of seeing you family doctor, your endo , your shrink your opthamologist, if you alos have FMS its time to see him or her.
Anyone with question please feel free to email me or post here
Hi Cathryn,
I am sorry to hear you have had so much trouble, it sounds alot like me when I was diagnosed. This is a day to day, month to month on going process…nothing moves fast, so please don’t get too discouraged if results don’t happen immediately. You are started on the right road, and we are all on it to help each other.
As far as the Visine..do you have an Ophtholmologist that you go to? Try to find one that deals with Graves Eye Disease, or an Occulo Plastic Surgeon. It would be good to get a baseline exam to start out with. That way there is a place to start from and watch as far as your eye progress goes. Most people won’t have many problems…but it is good to get in on the ground floor of it in the beginning. My Opthalmologist did tell me to use natural tears products…there are several of them out there…to add moisture to your eyes, and not to use the one you listed.
Jan & Jake have been through the gamut on eye problems. E-mail them and they can tell you alot of good ideas to help with the eyes.
Hope this helps you some.
Hugs & Prayers to you,
EllieYou said that you hope when you finally get on medication (to treat your thyroid) that the swelling in your eyes will go down.
That’s not very likely. Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) symptoms are not caused by the thyroid imbalance, but by antibodies similar to the ones attacking your thyroid.
As someone else suggested, it’s important to see an ophthalmologist experienced with TED. If your eyes are dry enough that you’re having burning and tearing, you may need to use a nightime ointment, which will keep them from drying out if your eyes aren’t closing all the way while you sleep (common problem). You may notice a slight reddish stripe across the eyeball in the morning (the exposed part).
There are a number of good eye drops that you can use frequently during the day to keep the eyes more moist, and your ophthalmologist can insert tiny plugs into the puncta, which are little holes on the inner corners of your eyelids through which tears drain into the sinuses. Some doctors prefer to cauterize them closed, but the silicon plugs can be removed if you desire at some point.
A lot of the swelling in tissues around the eyes is caused by a deposit of fatty tissue that attracts fluid retention, and that has to be removed surgically in most cases. (Insurance doesn’t cover that part of it normally, though most policies will cover orbital decompression and lid retraction surgeries.) In the meantime, it helps many people to raise the head of their bed as much as possible so fluid doesn’t collect there so badly while you sleep.
Welcome to the board, and best wishes to you.
Dianne W
Assistant online facilitator
NGDFOf course, that was not the answer I wanted to hear – the ophthalmologist today did not say anything about the “bags” or swollen eyes – he just said I needed “tears”. My eyes have red lines all over. And he said that I would need to be seen yearly for this. (???) The Docs in my area aren’t the greatest – we don’t even have an endocrinologist (sp?)- if that tells you anything. I’m also taking weekly shots for allergies. Which, some of the symptoms of the allergies, I’m wondering if it was the Graves.
Thanks for responding,
Cathryn -
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