The doctor of a friend of mine, who was hugely overweight, literally forbid her to get on the scales for a long period of time after she finally convinced her (my friend) to start exercising. She told my friend that it might be discouraging not to see pounds whittling away instantly. It is normal, in other words. So, if you are finding yourself frustrated, stop looking at the scales. Seriously, there are other ways to determine whether or not you are on the right track, without looking at scales. You can see how your clothes are fitting, for one thing. The weight from muscle is trimmer than the weight from flab. And/or you can focus on stamina, how you feel.
Keep up the good work!
Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator
Just wondering anyone else out there who is now in the “normal” range and recovering from GD, is working out? My TSH has been in the normal range for 3 months now, and my Dr. gave me the go ahead to work out. Need to build up muscle loss over the past 2 yrs. Feeling fine after the ministroke last month and ready to feel better. Anyway, I was surprise to find that when I started working out a month ago that I could do as much as I could without much pain. I now work out 4 times a week and normally at the gym for 1 1/2 hrs. Feeling stonger and lots of energy. My question is that I gained 30 lbs since getting GD and I really watch what I eat, working out now and I gain 4 lbs. !(&$(!^(*$#&(*#)
I understand when you work out and gain muscle mass that you’ll gain some weight but geez when will I ever loose any? I’m not giving up but it does get frustating.I know what you mean. I started weight training last week and I gained 3 lbs. It is so frustrating. I have been told to give it a couple of weeks that it should level off but when you see the scale going up I feel like what is the use.
Katie -
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