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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had RAI in 2003 and TSH fine for a long while now and I worry about getting TED disease. I realize this doesn’t happen to everyone, but I have a question. The fat pads in the corner of your eye lid in both of my eyes has been very swollen for several weeks now. Could this have anything to do with TED? Doesn’t appear to be from allergies and I’ve never had this before and it isn’t going away.

    Post count: 93172

    I too have the fat pads. Mine started with the TED (Jan 06). I am still in the hot phase and they are not pretty! I am going to my Eye Doc today and I will ask him about them and see what he says. I’ll post back after the appointment.


    Post count: 93172

    Well I went to the Doctor. He said that the swelling around my eyes is here to stay. They measure the eyes to determine how much they have protruded. Average is 5-6 m’s. He said that after the ‘hot’ phase over 2-3 years they will, on averge, go down 2-3m’s. Mine had gone down since the last apt by 1m. So the swelling is here to stay. I asked if I would go ‘hot, active’ again and he said in his 30+ years of treating TED he has only had 2 people that went active again. So, basically I can hope for a little decrease in the swelling, but not to expect it to return to Pre-TED days. He said the double vision would improve as my brain compensates. I am fortunate in that my double vision is not to the prism stage, but it does hamper my ability to read in the evenings. (lazy eyes)

    Not really good news, but not bad. Again, it is just a process (I keep telling myself this).


    Post count: 93172

    It is my understanding that the fat pads protrude if the eye muscles start to enlarge, and push the eyeballs forward in the socket. It is thought that most of us have “some” eye muscle changes. The vast majority of us, however, do not develop full-blown, horrific TED.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

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