No, I don’t think your’s is the champ! I truly believe that it is inherent in all of us (humans, I mean) to deny what we don’t understand, can’t help and what hurts us. Our families love us and want to fix whatever is wrong. When they can’t, or don’t understand even what it is that needs fixing, then they deny it! My mother had severe thyroid problems, my sister is dieing of Rapidly Progressing MS and I have Graves. Do you think our brother would get tested? Nope! He won’t even talk to either one of us about what is wrong! Being the oldest, I probably get the angriest about his attitude, but I refuse to lose him somewhere down the line because he was stupid!
So, keep talking to them, giving them things to read, and, as hard as it is, be tolerant of them and with them. You remember the old quote (I forget who by) – “Forgive them – they know not of what they speak.”
Mitakuye Oyasin
Valerie McAlister
NGDF Online Facilitator