Hi all,
The graves eye disease is really taking its toll on me! I have had all of the surgery a doctor can do,
use of plasmaphoresis. chemo and my optic nerve is doing superb, However on the surface of the eye there is now glaucoma and cataracts. I feel like a thirty-something person with 60 yr old ailments. Part of the contributing factors is the prednisone which they are weeding me off slowly. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems like this? Any help or support would be appreciated. thanks. deeDee,
I am happy that they are weening you off the prednisone slowly. I know how bad I felt when I was not weened off it slowly enough. It was awful!
I was thinking about you on way to work this morning and I even mentioned to my husband that I wondered what they were going to do about your prednisone. We ride to work together. Glad you posted on BB.
How is your eye doing now? I am hoping that they gave you medicine to get rid of the glaucoma.
When I was in the middle of feeling terrible from coming off the prednisone to quickly (I was off work and my HMO would not take me seriously) I remember sitting on the couch, staring out the front window and thinking that only a person who is 80 could feel like this! I had no energy and felt really dah! The good news is that about a week later I just woke up and felt way better. Like a light went on and I felt energy. As the days passed I felt better and better. It took a while but…..
Hoping the best for you,
I have read that approx 50% of people with GD go on to develop Graves Eye Disease. Given the high number of posts on the board about eye problems, i tend to think the percentage must be a lot higher than that. Does anyone have the results of the recent survey conducted through this BB? I would be very interested to see what the correct answer really is!!
I have had cataracts on both eyes which the doctor said was from meds, specifically steroids. The anti-thyroid meds also were a contributing factor. I had radiation on my eyes (200 rads a day for 20 days) but the docs says this did not cause cataracts. Some people may just be more prone to develop them and I’m sure length of time on meds and dosage are a factor. Both cataracts have been removed and my vision is fine (both of them). My mom who is 80 and still jogs every day is having a second cataract removed from the same eye and can’t wait to get it done so reading is easier.
I never had the radiation treatments but was
on prednisone for 18 months and I
was told I have a moderate size cataract. (steroid induced)
Does anyone know how long you must wait to
have cataract surgery, if I just had strabismus
less than 4 months ago? The cataract does not bother my vision
at all and I was wondering for us Graves’ people if
it is okay to leave it there. If it is not
doing any harm or growing in size? Someone I spoke
with has had a cataract for 22 years and never
had surgery. Also, the procedure is more riskier
for someone like me who is a Diabetic also because
of my vascular system.If anyone has any info on Graves’ and cataracts
and if it is okay to leave it alone, just let me
I do not have the eye disease nor was I treated with any steroids or radiation. My cataracts were first diagnosed 6 months ago much to my surprise. They were not too bad at the time so the decision was made to just watch them. Unfortunately during the 6 months time they got much worse and my vision was greatly diminished. Even the doctor was surprised at how rapidly they worsened. He said some people can go for long periods of time with no change in them or someone like me that worsens quickly. My mom has had cataracts for years with no progression in them. I guess it just depends on the person. If the cataracts had stayed the same I would have just continued to watch them but with the vision diminishing it was decided to have them removed. I hope this has helped you some.
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