Hi Warriors,
Just thought I would drop a note while my eyes wern’t hurting too bad.
Heading out this morning for a new set of visual fields. Eyes are really
hurting bad. Went off the prednisone last week and the double vision
is getting worse every day. Looks like radiating the eye muscles is in
my future REAL SOON!!! Let me know what I have to look forward to please.
Will have the results of the visual field faxed to Miami and we will go from
there. I will take whatever the Great Spirit throws my way because that
is the way of the warrior. Don’t to so well with the suffer in silence
part of the warrior code but you can’t win them all.
Will let you all know how I make out. By the Way we have asked Norman
(our resident pharmacist) to do a report on the FDA report for the BB.
will keep you posted.