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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Yes, like your eye(s) are going to pop out. Mine have been bad again lately because of my sinus problems. Usually it is a throbbing, but sometimes it is a constant pain and I have to take ibuprofin. And close my eyes. (Doesn’t work well when I’m at work!) If you have any other questions, feel free to email me.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone
    I went to the Optho on Monday. The visual field test went well. Although she is worried about the decrease in color vision in my right eye still. She said that the nerves look good at the moment. My right eye does stick out alittle more than my left and it does feel alittle tighter in the socket. My left eye is just fine.

    Now here is my question. With the eye disease did any of you have any pain behind your eye? Behind my right eye alway feels sore and aches. Almost like a headache but it isnt. It gets pretty uncomfortable sometimes.

    Thanks for reading

    Post count: 93172

    I know what you mean about the pain behind the eyes. Some days my eyes hurt so bad I feel like they are going to explode.. It’s because of all the pressure that is being placed on the eye , at leats that’s what my Optho. says. Acetaminophen is always close at hand.


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