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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Peggy, there are so so many symptoms that can be the start of Graves Eye Disease. My first symptom was not focusing properly. I would see an Opthalmolgist who is well versed in Graves eye disease and get checked out. It may have nothing to do with Graves eye disease but then again it might. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

      Keep asking questions to your Doctors. Good luck. Take care. SAS

        Post count: 93172

        hi, i need some advice quick.

        while at work tonight my left eye suddenly felt “squishy”. my vision was
        like when you look at an extremely bright light and look away, all you can
        see is a halo. then my vision started being real wavy. no pain, just felt
        funny. lasted about 1/2 hr. still feels abit like “jello” and light bothers
        it. is this what “graves” eye problems are?

        thanks for any info.


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