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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Yesterday, my ophthalmologist recommended I have surgery to lengthen the muscles holding my eyelids open, using donor tissue. He told me this surgery isn’t done in this state. . .that I’d have to go to a larger area, such as Seattle, WA or Portland, OR or Salt Lake City, UT.
      He also offered to do the surgery himself, being totally frank that he’d never done the procedure, but that he’d done a similar procedure to correct droopy eyelids, with great success.
      Can anyone share their experience of this surgery. . .pain and disability level, recouperation time, whether the results were acceptable, was general anesthesia used, cost. . .and where is a good place to have this done? Is it worth considering having my ophthalmologist do it?
      He also suggested that radiation treatment on the tissues behind the eyes to stop progression of the disease may be appropriate. Any comments on that?
      I appreciate any input anyone can give me!

        Post count: 93172

        Dear Dianne…So sorry to hear of the upcoming surgurical dilemmas on your eyes. I’m sorry to say I have no answers for you, but I have all the same questions, as I feel I will be faced with this also, once my labs ever return to normal…(I’m sure wondering how long it will take with me…I’m impatient. Some good days, some pretty bad ones lately, especially emotional, but also my stomach. Did anyone get radiation gastritis after the atomic cocktail? I’ll stay in touch, Dianne. I’m thinking of you.

          Post count: 93172

          Thanks Rachel! Yes, from reading your posts, it sounds like you will be needing the same information I do for the eyes. I don’t know why my ophthalmologist is considering the surgery already, since my thyroid disease is not controlled. According to him, the thyroid is a TOTALLY separate issue. He says it’s even a different auto-immune antibody causing the two problems. Anyway, I hope your eyes are more comfortable today! We’ll get through this!

            Post count: 93172

            First of all let me apologize for my english which is far from being perfect.A lady friend of mine has been diagnosed with Graves disease.She had an operation on her right eye a few weeks ago.Her vision has been seriously impaired.Is there any chance that her vision gets back to normal again? She is also worried by the appearance of her eye.Her lower eyelid is pulling downward and one can see the white of her eye. I think this is called scleral show.Will time correct this situation or should she consider plastic surgery?Your comments would be highly appreciated.Thank you very much in advance.

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