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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I have a higer power too!~ That is how I got through my eye radiation treatments going there all by myself physically but my spirit was not alone. I said the serenity prayer so many times when I was on the table!

    It goes like this. God grant me the serenity,
    To accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    There is no way I could get through all of this without my higher power!

    I know in my heart that I am right where I am supposed to be with my higher powers’ plan for me and my life. I believe God does not want me to give up on resolving my health problems that is why I pray and search for answers.

    You are blessed that your doctor knows of your Great Spirit!


    Post count: 93172

    Met the radiation doctor today!!

    What a trip it was. Turns out she is not Native American but she follows Native American
    beliefs. We have the same protective spirit and she directed me to a local shaman (medicine
    man)to work with me for the radiation treatments. I feel much better about this already!!
    What was the chance I would get a doctor who follows my religion and belifes. She told me
    today we were ment to meet and it was the Great Spirits will that she help this warrior
    down the path I must follow. Gave me goose bumps. Going to make her a medicine bag
    tonight. What a day!! I was doubting my warrior spirit and this happens. Who said God is

    As I have said in the past I will take whatever the Great Spirit throws my way and follow the
    path that is my life. But he has found the grace to provide mw with someone who understands
    and will help me down that path that is my life.

    Life is good!!! May Grandfather give you good dreams.

    Jake (Achgook)

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