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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Lisa, I am not a doctor, and you’d probably get better information about your mother’s case by asking the doctor who is treating her.

    That said, I’ll add that it doesn’t sound to me like surgery would be the answer for your mom at this time if her eyes are changing rapidly. Surgeries for Thyroid Eye Disease are not normally done until the changes have stabilized, unless the problem is threatening the sight.

    Did your mom’s doctor say why he didn’t recommend surgery?

    I hadn’t ever heard of anyone your mom’s age having active TED (not that it means anything that I haven’t heard of it). How long has she had Graves’ and the eye involvement?

    I sympathize with what she’s going through and can understand her frustration. Please let her know this board is here if she needs support, and convey our best wishes.

    Dianne W
    Assistant Online Facilitator, NGDF

    Post count: 93172

    My vision gets blurred and foggy. I also see something black out of the corner of my eye and when I turn my head to see what is there there is nothing. My Dr says I have floaters. What are they? Are they damaging?
    This is all so new to me that when I was at the endocronologists the other day I just listened. I didn’t think to ask questions until I got home then a million and one popped up.
    Is it common to be very sick to your stomach with GD?

    Thanks again,

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Deb,
    Hopefully your doctor is keeping a close watch on your eyes with Graves’ and will notice any sudden changes in your vision. Usually floaters come and go in the eyes but when there are quite a few of them it could be retina damage.
    Typically your sense of color will get distorted also. There are specific tests the eye doctor can do by dilating your eyes and checking your nerves and vascular system behind the eye also.

    Hope this helped.

    NGDF, Asst. online facilitator

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