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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      After my first decompression surgery I wore a patch on one lens of my glasses because of the double vision. This lasted almost a year, but it did help. Now after RAI I have double vision again, and just yesterday the doctor suggested I cover one eye. Since I have a steroid induced cataract in my left eye, that is the one I will block since it is fuzzy anyway. The whole eye business is a waiting game. It gets better, but at its own pace. You can always try a patch and see if it helps. If not, back to the doctor. Good luck.

        Post count: 93172

        Yeah, Gia ain’t it a pain? I couldn’t drive without covering one eye since driving down two roads at once was too much. What I did was wore big dark glasses that I painted over one lense.

        I had surgery to straighten it out last year and am seeing much better now. I couldn’t wear a regular patch with so much proptosis as it hit on my eyeball. Even had trouble with the eye rubbing against the glasses.

        Hang in there! Bruce

          Post count: 93172

          Anyone out there wearing a eye patch for double vision. I can’t get used
          to it. Im not wearing the convential patch that covers the head. Im just
          putting a coverlet over one of my glass lenses. Any tips? Some days it
          is worse than others. I am still in the active phase god I hope this don’t
          get any worse.

            Post count: 93172

            Hi Gia, I am watching our team win their CFL football game wearing a patch right now. I don’t like it for a long time but it sure makes a difference. At the drugstore where I got mine they had flat ones and ones that pointed out which are better for swollen eyes. I also have a piece of tape over one side of my reading glasses. I can’t drive and haven’t been able to for a year and even as a passenger I drive my husband nuts thinking we are constantly sideswiping cars. A patch does help in the car also together with wrap around sunglasses.

            Sometimes I think people wonder at all we go through. When we were at Les Miserables the other night I had my patch on, took that off when I wanted to use the opera glasses and then when the stage got bright I put on my sunglasses. It was actually very tiring and I’m sure the people around me thought I was nuts. I know it will get better – it’s just WHEN. Take care and keep smiling. SAS

              Post count: 93172

              Gia..I wear one ususally when I’m on the computer. Sometimes I’ll be able to see o.k. without it, but then it catches up. I have the type with the strap that goes around the head. Since you cannot have double vision with one eye, it certainly helps to cover one. Good luck.

                Post count: 93172

                Go for the patch that covers the eye at least at home

                I found it helped me not to feel nausiated and whoozy……try warm compresses in the tub and visualize your eyes getting better and those muscles shrinking down……it does help…..
                .when i went out i wore an occluder over sunglasses…but it didnt help me as much i found but for vanity sake …i felt better with it on……
                my prayers are with you and as they kept telling me…but at the time i couldnt believe it ….there is light at the end of the tunnell…trust me!

                  Post count: 93172

                  I have had double vision for over a year now. I have tried patches, puting construction paper over one lens of my glasses, and taking two pair of clip on sunglasses and breaking off the right lens on one and the left one on the other and then puting black constuction paper over the remaining lens, this way I can “clip on” patches over my right or left eye depending which one I want to use . None of these are perfect but I favor the clip on glasses method. I have also tried prisms without much luck. I also just shut one eye or the other alot. I am now scheduled for eye surgery in November where they are going to detach and re-attach the muscle on my right eye. I have been following this bulletin board for almost a year now and most of the double vision postings seem to point to a long road so be patient, it has been a real pain but I keep telling myself at least I can still see one eye at a time. Driving as you can tell by now is quite an adventure, I don’t even atempt to drive at night any more. I will keep the bulletin board posted on the success of the surgery in November. Hang in there


                    Post count: 93172

                    I had the same situation and was successful with a plastic prism they put on my one glass lense. I had strabismus surgery after 10 months and it worked beautifully….. Good luck and success.

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